
“If you don’t like something, change it.
If you can’t change it,
change the way you think about it.”
Mary Engelbreit

I am My Lover - cover for Change
Change your Lover by loving your self more
  • How is your life?
  • Are you happy?
  • Are you doing what you are passionate about?
  • How do you pleasure your self?
  • Do you love your true love?

Change your Happiness

Happiness is a state of mind. Yes it can be inspired by a person, or word, an action, a sight. It’s still an internal thing, a personal thing.

If you’re feeling sad or unhappy, just feel that. Really FEEL that feeling. For just one minute. Then change your feelings by thinking of something or someone who makes you feel very happy and joyful. For example, sadness of the loss of a friend or family member can be felt briefly and then changed into a happy memory of that person or a shared moment with them.


Are you passionate about your job or vocation? If you are, that’s great! Celebrate!
If not, find a creative hobby that you love: for example, art or dancing or photography. It can give you something to look forward to at the end of the day, once a week or on the weekend. And it’s a good way to meet people and make new friends too.

True Love

To search for your true love, start with yourself. How would you like to be loved?
What would you like someone to say to you to express their love? Is it words of love or compliments? Flirting cheeky banter? Dirty talk? Sweet romantic poetry? How do you talk to your self? Change your self-talk to sexy words of affection.
Would you like to receive gifts? For example, flowers or cards or kisses? Buy your self some flowers and say enigmatically to your friends “they’re from a secret admirer!”

New Relationships

Are you scared of meeting a new person or starting a new relationship because your last partner hurt you? That new friend or lover is probably just as frightened. So make lots of new friends and have fun with them.

Remember to change your belief to “My next partner will be even better than the last one” and “Our relationship will be better than my wildest dreams”.

Eventually you can change your expectations, thoughts and beliefs to make these things happen.

Of course there will be some ups and downs, some self growth and some fun experiences on the way.

Self Pleasure

How do you pleasure yourself? Here are some examples:

Some people get pleasure from the feeling of wearing special new clothes, and the compliments of their friends.

The tingly bubbly taste of champagne, or a rich red wine; a creamy cold icecream on a steamy hot day; or a spicy hot chili dish can turn you on, one way or another.

Smelling his after-shave or her perfume or a spicy incense or lavender candle can get other people going.

How do you pamper yourself when you want to feel special? 

You can read a special sexy romantic book, look at sexy pictures, imagine your favourite lover (real or not) making love to you.

Shut your eyes and try caressing yourself with a feather, or a tissue. Gently stroke sweet-smelling body cream or oil on your legs, your arms, your whole body.

Whisper sweet words of love that you always wanted your lover to say to you…

Run your fingers through your hair slowly and sensuously.

(I have to go now, and continue this myself…)

Change the way you think and feel to change your life to one you love.

Ally AcuTouch Change 2022
Change with Ally, your Transformational Relationship Consultant


When you want to transform or change your life, your love life, your sex life, contact Ally to talk about your first steps…