
snake-electricity-energyWe hear about Tantric energy, Kundalini energy, Shakti energy, sexual energy, feminine energy, masculine energy and solar energy.

In my experience, men readily identify with their sexual energy. It is inherent with their strength, their performance and their confidence. Men love to give pleasure to women, and they also give their energy to their work, kids, and then they get tired and burnt out because they often don’t stop to receive.

Women identify more with their feminine energy – their love, nurturing and softness. However this feminine energy can be very powerful and empowering too. It is the force that gives strength to the mother who lifts the tree/car off her child to save its life. It’s the protection she gives when her child is scared, and the pain she bears in childbirth. Often it is a woman’s inner child that needs the most love and nurturing, because she is always giving her love away.

Shiva and Shakti power

Shakti or feminine power is always moving. Like water, it finds its own level. It flows in and around things, enveloping them and cleansing them. It is based in the sacral chakra – in the pelvis and hips.

Shiva or masculine power is stationery. It can be firey energy. It’s based in the solar plexus chakra. Solar = sun. Solar energy can be very powerful or very destructive.shiva-shakti-energy

The masculine solar fire energy can heat the feminine water energy if it’s gentle. Or it can make it boil! The feminine watery energy can put out the fire if too strong, or it can gently co-exist and make delicious soup!


Kundalini is the snake-like energy that lies in the base of the spine, and can travel up the spine to the head through conscious meditation.kundalini-snake-energy-drawing

My favourite way to do this is Osho’s Kundalini meditation, which is a four part meditation – shaking, then moving, then seated and finally lying down. Once, in the seated part of the meditation, I felt an itch in my lower back. I ignored it and it went away, then it was a twitch in the middle of my back, then it moved up to my shoulder. I finally realised it was the Kundalini snake tickling and nibbling me to tell me it was moving upwards. Once aware of this energy, I could consciously move it up from my neck to Third Eye to my crown chakra and out the top of my head in a beam of light!


Often people have stuck energy – it is stale, or it can be blocked, through fear or neglect. Conscious breathing can help you get through the blockage or the fear. It helps for you to acknowledge the fear instead of resisting it…

That fear is often a fear of the unknown. I often have people come to see me for a Tantra massage and tell me they are scared or nervous. I say – “it’s just a massage, a very relaxing and energising massage!” The fear is as if they are on the edge of a cliff and they are scared of falling down. I help them rise above it, like in a helicopter, and see that it’s just a crack and that on the other side is the thing they really want – eg pleasure, release of block, happiness, empowerment, orgasm, joy and bliss. When you can feel, see or know what that is on the other side, then it’s easier to release the limiting belief, step over that unknown, to go through that transition, and unblock the energy to flow smoothly again – to step into your power and confidence.

Tantric energy

Tantric energy rises though awareness, breath, sound and body movement. It connects masculine and feminine energy in a dance of surrender and control, weaving together in unity of mind body and spirit.


Learn about Tantric energy – how to control it, how to move it around your body, how to use it to create what you wish.  Book HERE 

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